Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Strawberry Fields Forever: John Lennon, Andrew Zuckerman's Wisdom, and Hug-a-Lennon

 9 October 1940 - 8 December 1980
We All Shine On

One of the books on my Christmas list this year is Wisdom by Andrew Zuckerman.    It features photographs and interviews with fifty writers, actors, artists, designers, politicians, musicians, religious and business leaders who are all over sixty-five years old.  People interviewed include the Dalai Lama, Ted Kennedy, Desomd Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Madeline Albright, and my personal favorite: Jane Goodall

I heard about this book from Jim Burke, the teacher every teacher aspires to be, when he mentioned it as supplemental reading for Herman Hesse's Sidhartha.  It seems an appropriate mention on the anniversary of John Lennon's death, as his ideas of peace permiate Zuckerman's book. 

If ordering a book isn't on your agenda, then you can always celebrate John Lennon's life the way I did: hug-a-living-Lennon.  Unless they're making scary faces like this.  Then wait till later. 


Anonymous said...

That's my pwnin' n00bs face!

That Chelsea Girl™ said...

John Lennon was such an amazing talent. Thanks for posting about him! It'll be a sad day when no one knows who he is.

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