Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Short Guest Post (Gwost?) + An Award!

The Novelista Barista posted my New Years Resolutions for 2010 over on her blog - which is both sweet and exciting!  There is lots of motivation for positive goal setting if you head her way.

Amy over at Ha Ha. Wait. What? gave me this awesome blog award - which is basically the BEST blog Christmas present ever.  Thank you, Amy!  This is especially flattering because Amy has excellent taste in her blog reader, and I've slowly been making my way to check out all of the blogs she frequents, as most of them are wonderful. 

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!  Indiana at Adored Austin recently posted this picture of the world's most awesome alligator ring, which she found at Target, and I might have to go see if they have any left... after I've swept and done my chores, of course.  Back to work on Monday after a nice holiday and stints with younger kids in community clubs - remind me why I chose older kids over elementary?  They're adorable!  (Until they throw sticks at each other).


Sidewalk Chic said...

Ooh that is a super cute ring -- I've been getting really into animal jewelry and have been on the hunt for amphibian/reptile related pieces.
Congrats on your award! - JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk

52 Faces said...

More proof Target is amazing.

LOVED your resolutions at Jen's site! The first one is so inspiring - I should print it out and tape it out next to my computer.

Amanda said...

@ JoAnn - I went by Target and they were plum out. It was so sad. I did find a faux vintage flower ring, though, so Target's back in my good graces :)

@52 Faces - thank you! It means a lot to know you think so

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